Total: 15062

Ulcera acido-péptica: aspectos comparativos de la segunda y tercera edad
Acid-peptic ulcer: comparative aspects of the second and third age

Geronto; 3 (16), 1987
Entre 1984 y 1986, mediante evaluación endoscópica fueron detectados 77 casos de ulcera benigna. Se encontró Ulcera duodenal (UD) en 65 casos, (51 en la segunda edad y 14 en la tercera edad), ulcera gástrica (UG) en 12 casos (9 en la segunda edad y 3 en la tercera edad). Efectuada la revisión de his...

Los dos cismas de la Facultad de Medicina de Lima: 1884-1961
The two schisms in the Faculty of Medicine of Lima: 1884-1961

Bol. Lima; 9 (54), 1987
Since its origin the faculty of medicine of Lima has not been indiferent to our country's problem. In 1984, a president Iglesias's ukase caused a rupture inside the teacher staff of the faculty leading to the formation of the "free academy of medicine". In 1961, a law, based on 1919's reformist statement...

Producción de celulosas por hongos: obtención de mutantes hipercelulolíticos
Cellulose production for fungi: mutants' obtaining hipercelulolíticos

Bol. Lima; 9 (54), 1987
By induced mutations with UV radiation and caffeine 20 ypercellulolytic strains were obtained from Tichoderma resei ATCC 26921. The cellulotytic ability of the mutants were selected: LM-UC2, LM-UC4, with great increase in their enzyme activities, specific activities and productivity....

Análisis del sistema ecológico antártico con algunos lineamientos para su explotacion
Analysis of the Antarctic ecological system with some lineamientos for its operation

Bol. Lima; 9 (54), 1987
The predatory impact of the ecological system of the Antartic is analyzed. To this respects, the model of Lotka and Volterra is used, in order to analize this interaction. In addition, recommendations for the exploitation of krill (Euphasia superba) are put forth and, finally, the importance of Antartic ...

La várzea amazónica peruana: algunos fundamentos ecológicos
The Amazonian peruvian varzea: some ecological foundations

Bol. Lima; 9 (54), 1987
Combining research carried out over the years in the lowland jungle area, along with a meticulous study of the literature, the author presents a syntesis of is findings on the ecology of the Amazonian flood plain. The geography, hydrology, physcal and chemical properties of the Amazonian basin waters (in...