Total: 15062

Medialuna ancietae nov. sp: un pez nuevo del mar peruano
Crescent ancietae nov. sp: a new fish of the peruvian sea

Bol. Lima; 9 (51), 1987
A new species from Peru's coast of the Kyphosideae family is described and compared to Medialuna californiensis, a native of California, as well as a species to wich the former is closelly linked. A key to distinguishing the four species which live in Peruvian waters is included as well as a brief descri...

La acuicultura en el Perú
The acuicultura in the Peru

Bol. Lima; 9 (51), 1987
The present article reviews the history and present situation acuaculture. The author gives valuable recommendation of human activities in sweet water and salt water. In the present article the author tells of the recovery and restoration of a deteriorated canvas and its reltions to other paintings of th...

Una plaga en las aguas de Yarinocha
A plague in Yarinocha's waters

Bol. Lima; 9 (51), 1987
The problem of lagoons overgrown with floating vegetation is known as "huamal" in the Peruvian jungle. These foating plants, principally species of Eichhornia and Pistis, flourish at Yarinacocha lagoon in Pucallpa, where the author was able to identify existing plants and the insects that feed off them....

Las comunidades vitales de la cascada de Barranco, Lima
The vital communities of the waterfall of Ravine, Lima

Bol. Lima; 9 (50), 1987
A brief description is given o vegetation nourished by subterranean waters which percolate on the sedimentary cliffs of Barranco overlooking the ocean. This area constitutes part of what is today known as Lima's Costa Verde. A list and ilustrations of the principal animal and vegetal species and their ha...

Recursos marinos de la zona arquibentónica peruana
Marine resources of the zone arquibentónica Peruvian

Bol. Lima; 9 (50), 1987
The author discusses marine species found at depths of over 20 m. He analyzes the existente of a level with a minimun content of dissolved oxygen. In greater details. he refers to deep water crabs macrocrustaceans which could constitute an exploitable marine resource. A list of 56 species o such crabs i...

Capítulo de la historia de la coca: ayer y hoy
Chapter of the history of the coca: yesterday and today

Bol. Lima; 9 (50), 1987
In the first part of this article well-researched history of coca leaf use in the American the author provides a brief comment on the social problem of coca in Peru. based on information taken from sources published in the last 100 years, the author presents historic data on the use of coca leaf in the ...