Besing his article on a bibliographic revision of the climatology, hydrology, edafology, flora and fauna of Peru along with many years of fieldwork, the author presents eleven ecoregions for Peru: the cold waters of the Peruvian Currents the tropical sea, the Pacific desert, the dry equatorial forest, th...
The authors report on the results of their studies in the field and in the laboratory on the life cycle of the parasitic platyhelmint worm, whose host is the common rat (Rattus norvegicus), along with two intermediary bosts: a fresh water snail (Littoridina cumingii) and the rive shring (Crypiops caement...
The author a biologic from Cayetano Heredia University, Lima revises the literature on climatic change in the Pacific Ocean, a phenomenon known as the "Niño". He discusses its definition, description and effects on living organisms and ecosystem, emphasizing Peru and its birds as well as the need for. ...
Analyzing the foods which are native to each ecosysteam in Peruvian territory, the author points out the logical composition o the "canastra" (a group of basic foods that cover the needs of human development) for each of the seven natural regions. These resources differ in each ecosystem, but as a group ...
Se revisan los mecanismos neurobiológicos que están vinculados a la génesis, regulación y expresión de la ansiedad. Así, el autor expone las evidencias que concurren para afirmar a estos sistemas en el contexto de la ansiedad. En la actualidad, los estudios señalan como relevantes a los siguientes...