Se ha realizado el estudio de 80 casos de meningitis en el Hospital "Dos de Mayo" (1964-1969 y 1973-1982) producido por el Mycobacterium Tuberculoso; la edad que presentó el mayor porcentaje fue entre 10 a 29 años (80 por ciento), en su mayoría provincianos (65 por ciento). Un 53 por ciento fueron est...
Se revisó 26 historias clínicas de pacientes que sufrieron mordedura por araña "Viuda Negra" (Latrodectus Mactans), considerando los aspectos epidemiológicos y clínicos de las mismas. Asimismo teniendo en cuenta los hallagos descritos en otros trabajos, se procedió en 6 casos a la búsqueda de tras...
A definition of Etnobotany is given united to its objectives ad the sources o its infortion, wih permit its research. The author present a model of sheet where to register information to be included in a bank of data....
Over the past 12 years, the author has travelled all over Peru, conveying his knowledge of opthamology, science and his humanistic spirit to hundreds of thousands of Peruvians eager to receive such information and attention. A. voluminous, still unpublished manuscript, relates the heroic efforts carried ...
The original thesis of the author deals with 3 locaties in the Department Madre de Dios, Perú. There he describes the life-zones in the Manu National Park, the methods of collection and study o the birds, listing 342 species belonging to 59 families and to 19 orders. The list of birds is taxonomically ...
Pulgar Vidal, author of the classic work, "The EIGHY Natural Regions", presents us with a timely revision of his geographic study. Convinced of te importance of Peru's jungle for the country's future, the author describes the geographic characteristic o the low and bigh jungle ara and of the "ceja" of t...
This article describes the effects of the 1982-83 "El Niño" on colonies of the Peruvian penguin (Spheniscus humboldti), a species endemic to the Peruvian Current and which inhabits the coast Peru. Generally speaking, the population declined by 65% and the surviving population in 1984 was estimated betw...