Total: 15063

Parasitos de primates peruanos: Hermintos del "mono fraile" y del "pichico barba blanca"
Parasites of Peruvian primates: Helminths of \" monkey fraile\" and of \" pichico beard blanca\"

Bol. Lima; 5 (27), 1983
The authors have ound seven species o helminths (1cestode, 1 acanthocephalan and 5 nematodes) during their studies on endoparasites o two species importance in bio-medical research. Both halan Prosthernorchis elegans, and for two nematodes: Dipetalonema (D) gracile and Molineus elegans. In the "squirrel ...

La investigación ocenográfica y pesquera en América Latina
The investigation oceanography and fishing in Latin America

Bol. Lima; 5 (26), 1983
The author reviews the historic development o oceonographic investigation and fishing in Latin- America, describing the present situation in each country and commenting on local initatives. A clain is made for close collaboration between specialists in different fields in order to understand better ocean...

La conservación de la flora y fauna silvestres en el Perú: problemática y acciones prioritarias a corto plazo
The conservation of the wild flora and fauna in Peru: problematic and high-priority actions in the short term

Bol. Lima; 5 (26), 1983
Conservation is defined as action to ensure the protection and rational use of tropical plants and animals. Specific actions are proposed which would help preserve the natural resources of the country and contribute towards real social and economic development. The urgent need approve a National Conserva...

Posibilidades e implicaciones ambientales del desarrollo de industrias forestales químicas en la Amazonía Peruana
Possibilities and environmental implications of the development of forest chemical industries in the Amazonía Peruvian

Bol. Lima; 5 (25), 1983
In view o the icreasing interest regarding the industrial exploitation of the Peruvian jungle area, the author of this article points to the raw materials, its possible use and even the impact of future processing factories upon the ecology of the region. Suggestions and guide-lines are given for the de...