Total: 15061

Investigaciones floristicas y ecológicas en el distrito de San Pedro de Coris, Prov Tayacaja, Dep. Huancavelica
Floristic and ecological research in the district of San Pedro de Coris, prov Tayacaja, dep. Huancavelica

Bol. Lima; 3 (16/18), 1981
Herewith are extracts from studies made in 1978 by the Forextry Departaments of the National Agrarian University La Molina regarding the bibliographic references, ecology and flora prevaling in the Cobriza Mine (Centromin Perú) region, containing also suggestions as to how t protect the infrastructure o...

Posibilidades para un desarrollo rural mas integral en el Huallaga y Bajo Mayo, Perú
Options for a more integate rural development in the Lower Huallaga and Mayo, Peru

Bol. Lima; 3 (16/18), 1981
The region of central Huallaga and Lower Mayo, located in the middle section of the Peruvian Amazon, posses a considerable amount of fertile cleared land. However, in spite of roads and means of communication, only 100,260 ha. of a total of aproximately 401,000 ha. available land is exploited. This artic...

Los mamíferos colectados en el Cusco por Otto Garlepp
Mammals collected in Cusco by Otto Garlepp

Bol. Lima; 3 (16/18), 1981
The author presents sixteen species of mammals which the german naturalist Otto Galepp had collected between 1897-1899 in the Cusco region and which were later classified by Olfield Thomas from the British Museum in London. The description consist of the proper scientific name, the popular name, the sit...

Nosografía y medicina tradicional
Nosography and traditional medicine

Bol. Lima; 3 (16/18), 1981
It is the goal the world health organization to make medicinal attention available to all humanity by the year 2000. In this respect, knowledge of each country's traditional indigenous medicinal practices is of utmost importance because it would be wrong, nonsensical, and tactless to impoce other system...

Neuropsiquiatría y medicina psicosomática:un panorama actualizado
Neuropsychiatry and psichosomatic medicine:an actual panorama

En la primera parte se revisa algunos factores de Psiquiatría Preventiva, como comportamiento, inclinaciones, propensiones, actitudes y emociones, que afectan a la salud tanto física como mental. Se discute la disminución de la mortalidad por causas cardiovasculares en los EEUU. y los factores patogé...