Total: 15061

Sobre el Síndrome de Brown-Sequard y sus implicaciones neurofisiológicas
About the Brown-Séquart Syndrome and its neurophysiologic implications

Este ensayo se refiere a la historia del Síndrome de BROWN-SEQUARD, causado por la hemisección medular. Los primeros estudios fueron llevados a cabo para poner a prueba la hipótesis de que todas las fibras sensitivas que se originan en el hemicuerpo se decusan inmediatamente después de su entrada a l...

Ansiedad ante el acto quirúrgico:un estudio en pacientes y sus familiares
Anxiety before the surgical act: a study with patients and their relatives

Con el objeto de comparar cualitativamente la angustia ante el acto quirúrgico en los pacientes dispuestos a ser intervenidos y sus familiares, se estudiaron, mediante escalas de Taylor y de Hamilton, dos grupos, uno de 40 pacientes y otro de 40 familiares. En el grupo de pacientes se realizó una evalu...

Algunas consideraciones teóricas y prácticas en el tratamiento de las personalidades fronteriza y narcicista
Some theoretical and practice considerations in the treatment of borderline and narcissistic personality disorders

Se utilizan tres conceptos básicos, dos de Kohut y uno de Winnicot, Adler y Buie, para discutir el plan de tratamiento de las personalidades fronterizas y narcisistas. El tratamiento se basa en el establecimiento y la resolución de cuatro formas de transferencia, características y paradigmáticas en l...

Sarcodinos de peces e invertebrados acuaticos
Sarcodina fish and aquatic invertebrates

Bol. Lima; 3 (15), 1981
The present paper is review of the scientific literature over the most important sarcodimes (Protozoa: Amoebida) that have been found on the world in fish and acuatic invertebrates of commercial value. Special emphasis is given in this review to those sarcodines that cause disease....

Bosque y desarrollo rural en Lambayeque
Forest and rural development in Lambayeque

Bol. Lima; 3 (15), 1981
Scientific research reveals that centuries ago large extensions o today's Departament of Lambayeque were covered by forests, creating entirely different climatic and wildlife conditions from those existing today. At present, only 12,7% of this territory is covered by vegetation, reducing drastically its ...

Estudio parasitológico del camarón de río Chryphiops caementarius y la descripcion de Carmeophallus peruvianus. nueva especie de trematode de la familia microphallidae
Parasitological Chryphiops river shrimp caementarius and peruvianus Carmeophallus the description. new species of fluke of the family Microphallidae

Bol. Lima; 3 (14), 1981
A new species of trematode, Carneophallus peruvians (Microphalidae) is described. Adults developed in mice infected with metacercaria from the muscles of the crayfish Chryphiops caementarius which were caught in a stream caementarius which were caught in a stream of the "Cascada de Barranco" in Lima, Per...

Haageocereus viridiflorus (Ackers) Beckeberg
Haageocereus viridiflorus (Ackers) Beckeberg

Bol. Lima; 3 (14), 1981
With this paper we begin the description of the cactacean genera and species from peru in order to spread its knowledge and propitiate its cultivation, and we do it with Haageocereus genus and H. viridiflorus (Akers) Backbg species. ...

Cactaceas, exploradores y botánicos (S. XVIII y XIX)
Cacti, explorers and botanists (S. XVIII and XIX)

Bol. Lima; 3 (13), 1981
At the beginning of the 18th century scientific investigation began in Peru. We have gathered in this paper some of the scientits who, until the end of past century, has widen the fied of botanical knowledge and in some way contributed in the research of the cactaceae family, in Peru. ...