Total: 15061

De las cactaceas y los cronistas de los siglos VXI y XVII
Of the cactaceas and the chroniclers of the VXIth and XVIIth century

Bol. Lima; 2 (12), 1981
The sumary conquerors who came to America during the XIV centuries, must be surprised to find the cacti with its odd forms, athough the were known and used, in several ways, by the american natives from Mexico to Perú. From the scarse details about the peruvian cacti, told us by the "cronistas ", we ex...

El tabaco en la farmacopea vernacular y la terapia curanderil
The tobacco in the pharmacopoeia vernacular and the therapy curanderil

Bol. Lima; 2 (12), 1981
Tabaco is a curative plant which is populary and widely cultivated. This plant which is poisenous to man as well as to animals has multiple uses in the wild and cultivated state. In remote settlements the therapautic effect is of considerable importance. In all social strata in Peru tabaco is popular in ...

Colapso de pesquerías en el Perú Antiguo
Collapse of fishery in Ancient Peru

Bol. Lima; 2 (11), 1981
The author a renouned biologic and leader o the fishing industry, proves in this article that the ancient Peruvians already over-exploited two species of the tropical Peruvian sea near Tumbes. Irrational fisbing - then as now - depletes the stocks so necessary for human consumption....

El sistema de corrientes del pacifico sudoriental y los recursos vivos de la región
The system of currents of the pacific sudoriental and the alive resources of the region

Bol. Lima; 2 (11), 1981
This article attemps to explain the most outstanding characteristic of the system of current prevaling in the equatorial and south- Eastern Pacific and shows the interaction of the peuvian Coastal Current, the Peruvian Oceanic Current, the Peruvian Undercurrent and the Equatorial current. Some problems a...

Trastornos de los estados profundos del sueño precipitados por medicamentos
Deep state sleep disorders precipitated by drugs

Algunas drogas tomadas al acostarse parecen precipitar trastornos del sueño, tales que los pavores nocturnos, las pesadillas verdaderas, el sonambulismo y las alucinaciones hipnopómpicas. El autor revisa estos fenómenos que se producen en su mayoría el despertar del estado 4 del sueño, y luego prese...