Total: 15053

Problemas alimenticios en las regiones aridas
Eating problems in arid regions

Bol. Lima; 2 (9), 1980
Precolumbians - which could not obtain imported foods - must have been self supporting until the Europeans destroyed their societies. Today Peru has to import a large proportion of its basic food. With rapid increasinng population, the gap existing between the needs and the productions may soon become a...

Las flores de la cactaceas
The flowers of the cactaceas

Bol. Lima; 2 (8), 1980
This time we try to review the always amazing world of cacti flowers, its morphology, its importance in maintaining the different plant species and the many ways of interrelationship between and their pollinators....

El bosque de Zárate y su conservación
Zárate's forest and its conservation

Bol. Lima; 2 (7), 1980
the authors, lectures on ecology at San Marcos University, present in this paper part of the preliminar results of their studies for conservation of Zárate forest. They discribe general aspects o the forest, including local names and catalogues of the flora and fauna. They also cconsider some interestin...

Maria Mikulicz - Radecki de Koepcke
Maria Mikulicz - Radecki of Koepcke

Bol. Lima; 2 (7), 1980
Maria koephe distinnguished bersetf studying the birdfauna o Peru in relation to ecology. Her death in ar air place accident in 1971 was a tagic loose to ornithology and to Peru in particular. The present article was published in the "journal für Ornitologie" Vol. 115. 1974 in Bonn. The biography by Gü...

La cactáceas y la conservación de la flora
The cactaceae and the conservation of the flora

Bol. Lima; 2 (7), 1980
This paper wants ato emmphasise some little know points of the cactaceae family and the efforts in conservation of their species in order to prevent its extinction. Besides, it mentions some native species that must be protected and some suggestions about conservation of the flora....

Geografía médica del Perú
Medical geografy of Peru

Bol. Lima; 2 (7), 1980
The author - pathologic, university professor, and doctor (M.D.) - has bad ready for publication for more than ten years the text "Medical Geography o Peru ". Only some portions of it have been published to date (Anales de la facultad de medicina UNMSM; Revista de la Sociedada Peruana de Dermatología). ...

Museo peruano de ciencias de la salud
Peruvian museum of sciences of the health

Bol. Lima; 2 (7), 1980
the Museo Paleopatológico (principally consisting of the Horkheimer Collection) in 1976 became the Museo Peruano de Ciencias de la Salud. Under the direction o its founder, Dr Fernando Cambieses, the museum is gradually becoming a center of investigation and research and a source o scientific informati...