Mortalidad fetal
Fetal mortality
Acta méd. peru; 13 (3), 1986
Publication year: 1986
Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de óbito fetal desde julio de 1978 a junio de 1983 con la finalidad de determinar su incidencia y factores causales. Sobre 16,861 partos atendidos en ese lapso se registraron 317 óbitos fetales, dándonos una incidencia de 1.88 por ciento. No se realizó estudio anatomopatológico por falta de material. La mayor frecuencia de óbito fetal se halló en paciente entre los 20 y 39 años (79.18 por ciento), multíparas (51.12 por ciento), no controladas (46.62 por ciento), y entre la 36° y 39° semana gestante. En la mayoría de los casos (39.75 por ciento) no se llegó a determinar la causa de muerte fetal. Los factores que contribuyen al óbito son múltiples siendo los principales el desprendimiento prematuro de placenta (13.2 por ciento), las complicaciones del cordón umbilical (10 por ciento), y la toxemia gravídica (8.5 por ciento).
A retrospective study about fetal obito was carried out from july 1978 to june 1983 with the purpose of determining its incidence and its causal factors. From 16,861 deliveries which were attended during that period, 317 fetal obitos were registered with an incidence of 1.88 per cent. The anatomopathological study was not carried out because of lack of material. The highest frequency of fetal obito was found in patients between 20 and 39 years old (79.18 per cent), multiparous (51.12 per cent), without pre-natal care (46.62 per cent), and between the 36th and 39th weeks of pregnancy (35.75 per cent) the fetal death cause was not determined. There are lots of factors that contributed to the obito, and the highest frequency were the abruptio placentae (13.2 per cent), the umbilical funicular complications (10 per cent), and the gravidic toxemia (8.5 per cent).