De las ciencias biológicas en el Perú
Of the biological sciences in Peru
Bol. Lima; 2 (10), 1981
Publication year: 1981
When the eminent perunivian biologic, Augusto Weberawer, spent his birthday on November 27, 1947 surrounded by his students on an excursion into the Rimac-valley, one of the student leaders by the name of Pedro Aguilar spontaneously proposed to establisb said date as a yearly event: Day of Peruvian Biologic Thirty -three years later on this occasion the same Pedro Aguilar have a summary of the research achievements in the fields of botany, zoology, microbiology, biochemistry, genetic and ecology since 1950. He also reported on the Peruvian Universities since 1945. Herewith are some excepts from his speech.
El 27 de noviembre de 1947 el eminente biólogo Augusto Weberbauer - celebrando su santo - se encontró de excursión rodeado por sus alumnos.