Enfermedades y epidemias en Cajamarca durante el siglo XIX
Diseases and epidemics in Cajamarca during the XIX century
Bol. Lima; 31 (157), 2009
Publication year: 2009
El autor, a partir de noticias documentadas, hace un recuento histórico de las mayores epidemias que afectaron la población de Cajamarca en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, siendo el tifus exantemático y la viruela, las que tuvieron mayor incidencia, seguidas de la influenza y escarlatina.
Based on documented reports, the author offers a historical review of the greatest epidemics that affected the population of Cajamarca during the second half of the 19th century, of which the most widespread were exanthematic typhus and smallpox, followed by influenza and scarlet fever.