MetodologÃa cualitativa o la puerta de entrada de la emoción en la investigación cientÃfica
Quality methodology or the entrance door of the emotion in the scientific investigation
Liberabit; 13 (13), 2007
Publication year: 2007
Una posición respecto de las mismas y se argumenta con base a una experiencia personal de transición de un modelo al otro. Anotamos la necesidad de que los estudiantes descubran y vivan un proceso investigativo que los haga creativos y aprovechen los recursos personales como la intuición.
This work pretend to make a review about the medullar differences between qualitative and quantitative methodology. It also includes an specific point of view about each methodology and contains a personal experience about the transition from one model to the other. We remark the need of students to discover and live a processes of research that make them creative and help them to take advantage about their personals resources such as intuition.