Seroprevalencia de Mycoplasma synoviae en pavos reproductores criados en la zona de Lima, Perú
Seroprevalence of mycoplasma synoviae in breeding turkeys reared in the Lima region, Peru

Rev. investig. vet. Perú (Online); 21 (2), 2010
Publication year: 2010

Se determinó la seroprevalencia a Mycoplasma synoviae en lotes de pavos reproductores del departamento de Lima en el 2007. Se tomaron 400 muestras de sangre procedentes de 20 lotes de pavos reproductores mayores de 8 semanas, machos y hembras, proveniente de los distritos de Asia, Puerto Viejo y Chilca, Lima. Las muestras se analizaron por la técnica de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos contra M. synoviae. Todas las muestras resultaron negativas, indicando que los lotes de aves examinados no estuvieron expuestos al agente patógeno.
The seroprevalence of Mycoplasma synoviae in breeder turkeys in Lima during 2007 was evaluated. Blood samples were collected in 400 breeder turkeys, older than 8 weeks of age and of both sexes, in the districts of Asia, Puerto Viejo and Chilca, Lima. Blood samples were analyzed by the ELISA technique to detect antibodies against M. synoviae. All samples were negative indicating that these birds were not exposed to the pathogen.

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