Coeficientes de digestibilidad aparente de harina de pescado peruana y maíz amarillo duro para Colossoma macropomum (Actinopterygii, Characidae)
Apparent Digestibility Coefficients of Peruvian Fish Meal and Yellow Corn by Colossoma macropomum (Actinopterygii, Characidae)

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.); 15 (2), 2009
Publication year: 2009

Los Coeficientes de Digestibilidad Aparente (CDA) de la materia seca (MS), proteína cruda (PC), lípido crudo (LC) y energía bruta (EB) de los ingredientes alimenticios harina de pescado peruana (HPP) y de maíz amarillo duro (MAD) fueron determinados en juveniles de Colossoma macropomum (150,0 ± 25,5 g).

En el experimento la dieta de referencia se mezcló con cada uno de los ingredientes prueba en una relación de 70:

30. El óxido crómico se usó como indicador inerte. La dieta de referencia y las dietas prueba fueron suministradas a C. macropomum, criada a 27 ºC, 7 mg/L de oxígeno disuelto y pH entre 7,5. Las muestras fecales fueron colectadas por sifoneo. Los CDA para MS, PC, LC y EB de la HPP fueron de 88,06 ± 0,83%, 87,08 ± 1,34%, 85,87 ± 2,69 y 87,29 ± 1,57% respectivamente. Igualmente los CDA para MS, PC, LC y EB del MAD fueron de 82,38 ± 1,02%, 75,46 ± 1,53%, 76,17 ± 2,43% y 75,04 ± 1,80% respectivamente. La energía digestible aparente calculada fue de 3950 Kcal/kg para la HPP y 2830 kcal/kg para el MAD. Se concluye que C. macropomum digiere mejor las fracciones proteicas y energéticas de la HPP. Al mismo tiempo muestra que digiere también la fracción energética del MAD, proveniente de los carbohidratos solubles.
The apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) crude lipids (CL) and gross energy (GE) in the food ingredients Peruvian fish meal (PFM) and Yellow Corn (YC) were obtained with juveniles of Colossoma macropomum (150,0 ± 25,5 g).

In the experiments the reference diet was mixed with test ingredients in a ratio of 70:

30 to produce two test diets. The Chromic Oxide (Cr2O3) was use as the inert indicator. The reference diet and the test diets were fed to C. macropomum reared at 27 ºC. Dissolved oxygen was 7 mg/L and pH was 7,5. The fecal samples were collected by siphoning. The ADC to DM, CP, CL and GE in the PFM were of 88,06 ± 0,83%, 87,08 ± 1,34%, 85,87 ± 2,69 y 87,29 ± 1,57% respectively. The ADC to DM, CP, CL and GE in the yellow corn were of 82,38 ± 1,02%, 75,46 ± 1,53%, 76,17 ± 2,43% y 75,04 ± 1,80% respectively. The apparent digestible energy to the HPP and MAD were 3950 Kcal/kg and 2830 kcal/kg respectively. It was concluded that C. macropomum has used more efficiently the protein and energetic fractions from PFM. At the same time C. macropomum shows ability to use efficiently the energetic fraction from soluble carbohydrates of YC.

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