Sepsis por Shigella flexneri
Shigella flexneri sepsis
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica; 22 (2), 2005
Publication year: 2005
Se presenta un caso raro de sepsis por Shigella flexneri en una paciente de 45 años de edad quien estando hospitalizada para el estudio de un tumor cerebral, requirió el uso de manitol y dosis altas de corticoides; luego de ello presenta deposiciones líquidas con moco y sangre, desarrolla síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, luego se aísla Shigella flexneri en el hemocultivo; recibió tratamiento antibiótico con ciprofloxacina. Se describen las características del caso y se comenta de acuerdo con la revisión de literatura.
An unusual case of sepsis caused by Shigella flexneri in a 45-year old female patient is presented. While being hospitalized for diagnostic management of a brain tumor, she required mannitol and high-dose steroids; she had liquidand dysenteric stools, and soon afterwards she developed a systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Shigella flexneri was isolated in the blood culture, and she was treated with ciprofloxacin. The case features are described and comments are presented, together with a review of the literature.