Absceso apendicular o masa apendicular y su tratamiento
Appendicular abscess or appendicular mass and its treatment

rev. viernes med; 32 (4), 2008
Publication year: 2008

La masa o absceso apendicular, es el resultado tardío de una apendicitis que no se detectó a tiempo. Suele cursar con dolor en fosa ilíaca derecha, nauseas, pérdida de peso y fiebre; así como la demostración por estudio de imágenes del absceso. Nosotros tenemos que enfrentar esta realidad que se presenta en el 3.8% de la apendicitis y manejarla con cuidado. Hay mayor tendencia en el mundo, a falta de consenso, que su tratamiento debe ser conservador o médico y la cirugía del intervalo, posterior, no debe ser rutinaria sino debe estar sólidamente indicada.
The appendicular mass or abscess is the late outcome of an apendicitis that was not detected on time. It usually presents with pain in the right iliac fossa, nausea, weight loss and fever, as well as the demonstration of the abscess by an image study. We have to face this reality which is present in 3.8% of the appendicitis, and have to manage it carefully. Due to the lack of consensus, there is a greater tendency in the world that its treatment should be conservative or medical, and that the following interval surgery should not be performed as a routine unless it is firmly indicated. We are presenting two unedited cases that were both successful in the ambulatory treatment at the first stage.

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