Aneurisma cerebral en el interior de glioblastoma multiforme: reporte del caso
Cerebral aneurysm inside glioblastoma multiforme. Case report

Horiz. méd. (Impresa); 9 (2), 2009
Publication year: 2009

A 30-yr-old woman was admitted with acute headache, right hypesthesia and hemiparesis, right quadrantanoptic defect and neck stiffness. CT imaging study revealed left temporal hematoma and angio CT and cerebral digital angiography revealed and aneurysm of the left posterior cerebral artery. The patient was treated surgically. Surprisingly the clot was very firm and consistent with a mixture of tumor tissue and blood debris and in the pathological examination turned to be a glioblastoma multiforme. The aneurysm was clipped. The partner gradually improved and was treated with linear accelerator radiotherapy. This rare case is consistent with the association of malignant tumor with an aneurysm of neoplasm type.

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