Resistencia a la traccion de postes de fibra de vidrio cementados con resina autoadhesivo y resina de autocurado
Resistance to the traction of glass fiber post cemented with adhesive and self-curing resin
Kiru; 10 (1), 2013
Publication year: 2013
Determinar la resistencia a la tracci¢n de los cementos de resina autoadhesivo Relyx u100 y de resina autocurado Multilink en la retenci¢n de postes de fibra de vidrio. Material y mtodos. Se realiz¢ un estudio comparativo, transversal, in vitro, prospectivo, experimental. Se utiliz¢ 40 premolares unirradiculares, se separaron en dos grupos conformados por 20 piezas dentales y fueron seccionados a nivel del techo cameral, se obtuvo as¡ la uniformidad de la muestra con una medida de 18 mm cada una. Se realiz¢ el tratamiento de conductos con la tcnica corona apical respectiva y se esper¢ 7 d¡as posteriores al tratamiento. Se desobtur¢ con fresas Gates, Pesso y luego con la fresa del kit de los postes, se estandariz¢ el mismo tama¤o para todos los dientes. Se procedi¢ a la cementaci¢n de los postes seg£n las especificaciones establecidas por los fabricantes Relyx u100 y Multilink. Las piezas dentales fueron colocadas en una probeta (cubo de acr¡lico r pido) por un extremo y, por el otro extremo, los postes en otro cubo. Las probetas para las pruebas de fractura se colocaron dentro de la m quina universal de ensayos hasta el momento en que perdieron su adhesi¢n, una vez obtenidos los resultados fueron archivados en la ficha de recolecci¢n de datos para, posteriormente, realizar las comparaciones respectivas. Resultados. Los postes de fibra de vidrio cementados con resina autocurado presentaron una resistencia a la tracci¢n 30,6 kg, y el cemento de resina autoadhesivo present¢ una resistencia a la tracci¢n de 24,2 kg. Conclusiones. El cemento de resina autocurado present¢ una mayor resistencia a la tracci¢n, comparada con el cemento de resina autoadhesivo, sin embargo, no hubo diferencia estad¡stica.
To determine the resistance to the traction of the cements of autoadhesive resin Relyx u100 and Multilink self-curing resin in retaining glass fiber posts. Material and methods. A comparative, cross, in vitro, prospective, experimental study was made. 40 monoradicular premolars were used, they were separated into two groups comprised of 20 teeth and they were sectioned on cameral roof level obtaining thereby the uniformity of the sample with a measurement of 18 mm each. The root canal with crown apical technique was performed and seven days after treatment were waited. They were desobtureted with Gates, Pesso drill and then with the drill of the posts kit, the same size was standardized for all teeth. It was proceeded to the cementation of posts according to specifications set by manufacturers of Multilink and Relyx u100. The teeth were placed in a test tube (acrylic cube fast) at one end and at the other end in another hub studs. The specimens for fracture tests were placed within the universal testing machine Amsler mark up the time they lost their accession after the results obtained were kept in the data collection sheet to then be able to perform the respective comparisons. Results. The glass fiber poles cemented with cement of self-curing resin presented a tensile strength Kg. 30,6 and the cement of autoadhesive resin presented a tensile strength of 24,2 Kg. Conclusions. The cement of self-curing resin had a higher tensile strength compared with the cement of autoadhesive resin, however we evidenced that there is no statistical difference.