Anomalias dentomaxilares asociadas a par lisis cerebral en ni¤os peruanos
Dentomaxillary anomalies associated with cerebral palsy in Peruvian children

Kiru; 10 (2), 2013
Publication year: 2013

Determinar la relaci¢n que existe entre las anomal¡as dentomaxilares y par lisis cerebral en ni¤os que acuden al Instituto para el Desarrollo Infantil – ARIE. Material y m‚todos. Se evaluaron 30 ni¤os de ambos sexos entre 2 y 12 a¤os de edad con diagn¢stico de par lisis cerebral que acudieron al consultorio odontol¢gico del Instituto para el Desarrollo Infantil-ARIE. Resultados. Se encontr¢ la relaci¢n canina clase II en un 50%; la relaci¢n molar clase II fue la m s frecuente (80%). Adem s, la prevalencia de caries dental fue de 76,7%. La mordida abierta y el api¤amiento dentario se encontraron en un 30%. Conclusiones. No se encontr¢ asociaci¢n entre la par lisis cerebral y las anomal¡as dentomaxilares; sin embargo, en la relaci¢n molar clase II del lado derecho e izquierdo, se encontr¢ asociaci¢n significativa a diferencia de todas las variables estudiadas.
To determine the relationship between dento maxillaries anomalies and cerebral palsy in children of 2-12 years old attending to the Institute for Child Development – ARIE. Material and methods. 30 children of both sexes were evaluated between 2 and 12 years old with cerebral palsy who attended the dental office of the Institute for Child Development-ARIE. Results. Class II canine relationship by 50% was found and the molar relation class II was the most frequent (80%). Furthermore the prevalence of dental caries was 76, 7%. The open bite and dental crowding were found in 30% respectively. Conclusions. No association between cerebral palsy and dento maxillaries anomalies was found, however, in the Class II molar relationship right and left side, significant association was found unlike all the variables studied.

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