Distraccion osteogenica: una revision de la literatura
Distraction osteogenesis: a review of the literature

Kiru; 10 (2), 2013
Publication year: 2013

La distracci¢n osteog‚nica (DO) es una t‚cnica quir£rgica sencilla y vers til ideada desde hace miles de a¤os, pero que con el paso del tiempo parece lograr incre¡bles innovaciones, logrando aplicarse a m£ltiples ramas de la medicina humana. Justamente, una de esas nuevas  reas es la cirug¡a m xilo facial, inaugurada en 1973 por Snyder, qui‚n adapt¢ la t‚cnica por primera vez para el complejo craneofacial. Sus innumerables ventajas la han llevado a adquirir creciente importancia dentro de la Odontolog¡a, ya que consigue solucionar complicadas deformaciones craneofaciales, antes consideradas intratables, maloclusiones, atrofias de rebordes alveolares, entre otros. El protocolo de la t‚cnica est  llegando a cierta estandarizaci¢n para una mayor seguridad en su aplicaci¢n e innovadores m‚todos coadyuvantes est n siendo descubiertos para asegurar el ‚xito de la DO, sin embargo, a£n quedan muchas investigaciones por realizarse, ya que esta t‚cnica parece prometer un futuro de soluciones.
Distraction osteogenesis (DO) is a simple and versatile surgical technique devised thousands of years ago, but with the passage of time seems to achieve incredible innovations, achieving applied to multiple branches of human medicine. Just one of those new areas is Maxillofacial Surgery, opened in 1973 by Snyder, who adapted the technique for the first time for the craniofacial complex. Its many advantages have led to become increasingly important within dentistry, and getting solve complex craniofacial deformities, previously considered untreatable, malocclusions, alveolar ridge atrophy, among others. The protocol of the technique is reaching some standardization for safer application and innovative methods are being discovered aids to ensure the success of the DO, however, there are still a lot of researches to be undertaken, as this technique seems promising future solutions.

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