Rev. estomatol. Hered; 23 (2), 2013
Publication year: 2013
El objetivo de este estudio in vitro es comparar la eficacia antibacteriana de tres técnicas de irrigacion del conducto radicular: presion positiva, presion negativa y sónica frente a una cepa de enterococcusfaecalisatcc 2012. Materiales y Metodos:
Raices de premolares extraidos calibrados a 16mm de longitud apico coronal fueron contaminados con Enterococcusfaecalis ATCC 29212 por 21 días y luego distribuidos aleateoriamente en 3 grupos experimentales con 24 especimenes cada uno: grupo 1, presion positiva con agujas 27G insertadas a 4mm de la longitud de trabajo; grupo 2. Fue irrigado activando las puntas endosónicas a 3mm; grupo3, con el sistema EndoVac. El volumen de irrigantes utilizado para todos los grupos fue de 13 ml. El grupo de control negativo fue irrigado con solución salina (volumen total: 13ml). Se tomaron muestras después de la irrigación para cultivarlas, a las 24 horas se contabilizaron las unidades formadoras de colonias (UFC's). Resultados:
Los tres grupos experimentales fueron más efectivos que el grupo de control negativo en la disminución de la cantidad de bacterias. Conclusiones:
No se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los tres grupos evaluados.
The different types of bacteria found in the root canal suggest that is necessary to pursue a correct cleaning of it; thus, by means of the irrigation techniques disinfection will improve. The aim of this in vitro study is to compare the antibacterial efficacy of 3 different irrigation techniques. Methods:
Roots of premolars extracted teeth calibrated to 16 mm in apex-coronal direction were contaminated with Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 within 21 days and then randomly divided into 3 experimental groups of 24 specimens: group 1, positive pressure irrigation with 27G needles inserted up to 4 mm short of the working length; group 2, same as group 1, but complemented with final irrigant activation by the EndoSonic tips; and group 3, irrigation with the Endo Vac system. The irrigants used in all experimental groups were NaOCI and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). The diameter preparation was constant for the groups ISO .40/.04 (RaCe). The irrigants volume was 13mL for all the groups. The control group was irrigated with saline solution (total volume, 13 mL). Samples were taken after irrigation procedures for cultivation and successively colony-forming units (CFUs) were counted after 24 hours. Results:
The 3 experimental groups were more effective than the negative control group in reducing bacteria. Conclusions:
There was no statistical significant difference between the 3 techniques.