Características clínicas y epidemiológicas de los pacientes con neurocisticercosis en un hospital general de Lima
Clinical and epidemiological features of patients with neurocysticercosis in a general hospital in Lima

Rev. méd. hered; 23 (1), 2012
Publication year: 2012


Determinar las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de los pacientes con neurocisticercosis en un hospital general de Lima.

Material y métodos:

Estudio observacional, descriptivo y retrospectivo en 225 pacientes con neurocisticercosis del Hospital María Auxiliadora entre los años 2002 y 2010. Se recogió información epidemiológica y clínica de las historias clínicas.


Se confirmaron 150/225 casos. El grupo etario más afectados fue de 20 a 64 años (49,3%) y menores de 14 años (27,4%). El 52% fueron mujeres. El 90% de los pacientes procedían de Lima. El 40% fueron estudiantes, 26% amas de casa, 8,7% obreros, 10% trabajadores rurales y 5,3% desempeñaban labores domésticas. Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron cefalea intensa sin respuesta al tratamiento (76%), convulsiones (74,7%) y pérdida de conciencia (43,3%). El 68,7% de pacientes fueron hospitalizados. Todos los pacientes recibieron tratamiento médico y el 19,3% terapia quirúrgica.


La neurocisticercosis se observó principalmente en la población económicamente activa, comprendida entre 20 y 64 años.


To describe the clinical and epidemiological features of patients with neurocysticercosis in a general hospital in Lima.


Observational and descriptive study in 225 patients with neurocysticercosis at Hospital Maria Auxiliadora from 2002 to 2010. Information was gathered from the clinical charts.


150 out of 225 cases were confirmed. The two most affected age groups were patients from 20-64 years of age (49.3%) and patients below 14 years (27.4%); 52% were females; 90% come from Lima; 40% were students; 26% were housewifes; 8.7% were labors; 10% were rural workers, and 5.3% were maidservants. The most frequent symptoms were headache unresponsive to treatment (76%), seizures (74.7%) and loss of conscious (43.3%); 68.7% of patients were admitted. All patients received medical treatment and 19.3% were treated surgically.


Neurocysticercosis was mainly observed among the active economical population from 20 to 64 years of age.

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