Rev. peru. obstet. enferm; 3 (1), 2007
Publication year: 2007
Se realizó esta investigación en el año 2006 para determinar la situación de salud sexual y reproductiva de las y los homosexuales que acudían al consultorio de PROCETSS en el Hospital María Auxiliadora.
Material y método:
se realizó un estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, de corte transversal aplicando una encuesta semiestructurada a hombres y mujeres homosexuales que se asumían como tal, siendo en total 92 homosexuales (49 gays y 43 lesbianas). Resultados:
aceptaron su orientación y se iniciaron sexualmente desde adolescentes, percibían su salud buena, no obstante intentaron suicidarse en su mayoría; toleran la discriminación y sus derechos disminuidos, deseando adoptar hijos e ingresar libremente con su pareja a lugares públicos; sufren violencia física y sexual; tienen pareja regular; han padecido infecciones de transmisión sexual, usan condón sólo con pareja esporádica; conocen de método anticonceptivo y sobre cáncer genital, así como pruebas de detección que no se realizan por percibir barreras al solicitar atención de salud, especialmente de salud sexual y reproductiva. Conclusiones:
los/as homosexuales tienen necesidades de salud sexual y reproductiva, siendo penosas las barreras que lo impiden. El obstetra tiene un reto importante en el planteamiento y ejecución de estrategias de educación para la salud y acceso a los servicios, fomentando una sexualidad responsable y saludable entre la comunidad homosexual que acude al Hospital María Auxiliadora.
The homosexuality is a sexual direction and is defined as the sexual interaction and/or romantic attraction towards individuals of the same sex. This investigation was made in 2006 to determine the situation of sexual and reproductive health of homosexuals who went to the doctor's office of PROCETSS in the Hospital Maria Auxiliadora. Material and Method:
a descriptive, exploratory study was made, of cross section, applying to a semistructured survey to men and homosexual women who assumed themselves like so being altogether 92 homosexuals (49 gays and 43 lesbians). Results:
we emphasized they accepted their direction and began sexually from adolescents, perceived their good health, despite tried to commit suicide in its majority; they tolerate diminished discrimination and rights, wishing to adopt children and to freely enter with its pair places public; they undergo physical and sexual violence; they have a regular pair; they have suffered infections of sexual transmission, use condom only with sporadic pair; they know contraceptive method and on genital cancer, as well as tests of detection that are not made to perceive barriers when soliciting health attention, specially of sexual and reproductive health. Conclusions:
These homosexual have necessities of sexual and reproductive health, being laborious the barriers that prevent it, reason why without doubt the obstetrics professional has an important challenge in the exposition and execution of strategies of education for the health and access to the services, promoting a responsible and healthful sexuality, between the homosexual community that goes to the ôHospital Maria Auxiliadoraõ.Key words:
sexual and reproductive health, homosexuality male, homosexuality female, sexual violence, sexually transmitted diseases, contraceptives, cancer, organization.