Publication year: 2012
Theses and dissertations in Español presented to the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Facultad de Medicina to obtain the academic title of Doctor. Leader:
Evaluar el efecto tóxico del extracto acuoso de la raíz del Lonchocarpus nicou (Aubl) D.C. "Barbasco" sometido a 100 grados C de temperatura durante 5, 10, 30 y 60 minutos de ebullición, al ser administrado oralmente durante 30 días a ratas normales. Materiales y Métodos:
Estudio experimental, con grupos equivalentes randomizados, ciego para quien administró la solución, el analista de laboratorio, el anatomopatólogo y el estadístico. Se sometieron a 100 grados C de temperatura trozos pequeños de raíz desecados con agua destilada, obteniéndose extractos a 5, 10, 30 y 60 minutos de ebullición para efectuar ensayos fitoquímicos comparativos en cromatografía de capa fina, y evaluar del efecto tóxico en cuarenta ratas Holtzmann. El peso de las ratas fue (190±10 gr), se las dividió aleatoriamente en cinco grupos: al primero se le administró suero fisiológico 2 mL/kg, y a los otros grupos 10 mg/kg de extracto respectivamente durante 30 días. A continuación se extrajo muestra de sangre para observación hematológica, bioquímica, y luego se sacrificó los animales, retirándose cerebro, hígado, y riñón, los que se conservaron en formol al 10 por ciento para estudio histopatológico. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron mediante pruebas descriptivas y analíticas, considerando significativos una p<0,05. Resultados:
Los metabolitos secundarios disminuyeron con la ebullición, los alcaloides del barbasco desaparecieron y los flavonoides tipo isoflavonas disminuyeron notoriamente con la calificación cualitativa. A mayor tiempo de exposición a la temperatura, se presentó menor daño en el perfil hepático. Conclusiones:
En condiciones experimentales se ha observado en ratas normales disminución del efecto tóxico inducido por el extracto acuoso de barbasco sometido a altas temperatura, acción dependiente del tiempo de ebullición.
Assessing the toxic effect of aqueous extract of Lonchocarpus nicou roots (Aubl) S.D. "Barbasco" after being exposed at 100 grades C temperature during: 5, 10, 30, 60 minutes of boiling condition and then being administered during 30 days by oral intake in normal rats. Material and methods:
The present research is experimental and prospective, with similar groups distributed randomly. It is blind not only for the ones who administered the concentration, made the lab analysis and the anatomopathologic examination but also for the ones who made the data processing. The extracts was exposed at 100 grades C of temperature then it was gotten extracts with 5, 10, 30 and 60 minutes of boiling exposition; it was done the comparative phytochemical examination in fine layer Chromatography in order to appreciate the main secondary metabolites that are present in each extract. To determine the toxic effects it was selected 40 Holtzmann rats with 190 +/- 10 gr. of body weight and about 2 months of age that didn't have any previous experimental treatments and belonging to the National Health Institute Lima-Peru; they were with appropriate feeding and water supply, living under environmental temperature. They were divided into 4 groups of examination to whom it was administered during 30 days by oral intake the aqueous extract of Lonchocarpus nicou roots (Barbasco) and a control group in which physiological serum was administered at dosage of 2mllkg, then it was extracted blood samples by cardiac puncture for Biochemical and Hematological exams; after that animals were killed to extract internal organs (Liver, Brain and Kidney) which were preserved in Formalin 10 per cent for Histopathological examination. It was done a descriptive and statistical analysis by means of the ANOVA of one way Test (or Kruskal-Wallis) to assess possible variations due to the effect of the extracts. The values were significant to a p<0.05. Results:
It was gotten reduction of the toxic...