Factores de riesgo asociados a embarazo ectópico de las pacientes atendidas en el Hospital Nacional PNP Luis N. Sáenz, Lima 2013

Publication year: 2014
Theses and dissertations in Español presented to the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Facultad de Medicina to obtain the academic title of Bachiller. Leader: Portugal Benavides, Walter José del Carmen


Determinar los factores de riesgo asociados al embarazo ectópico en pacientes atendidas en el Hospital Nacional PNP. "Luis N. Sáenz", Lima 2013.

Material y métodos:

Estudio de tipo observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo de caso y control, se revisaron 40 historias clínicas de pacientes con embarazo ectópico y una muestra comparativa de pacientes con embarazo normal.


Se encontraron factores de riesgo significativos en función de su intervalo de confianza: tabaquismo (OR: 4.2, 95 por ciento IC: 1.59-11.09); antecedente de embarazo ectópico (OR: 14.7, 95 por ciento IC: 1.80-121.13); aborto espontáneo (OR: 4.3, 95 por ciento IC: 1.69-11.06); cirugía abdomino-pélvica (OR: 11, 95 por ciento IC: 3.29-36.75); ITS (OR: 2.5, 95 por ciento IC: 1.01-6.19); y no significativos: multiparidad, uso de DIU, anticoncepción previa y más de una pareja sexual.


Las pacientes con antecedente de tabaquismo, ITS, cirugía abomino pélvica, embarazo ectópico, aborto espontáneo, presentan un riesgo elevado de presentar embarazo ectópico; y aquellas con antecedente de uso de DIU y más de una pareja sexual, tienen un riesgo moderado.


To determine the factors of risk associated with the pregnancy ectopic in patients attended in the National Hospital PNP. 'Luis N. Saenz', Lima 2013.

Material and methods:

Type study observational, descriptive, retrospective of case and control, 40 patients' case histories were checked with pregnancy ectopic and a comparative patients sample with normal pregnancy.


Risk factors were not as per statistics significant, nevertheless the opposing ones were: multiparity (OR: 2.2, 95 per cent IC: 0.86-6.08); nicotinism (OR: 4.2, 95 per cent IC: 1.59-11.09); pregnancy precedent ectopic (OR: 14.7, 95 per cent IC:1.80-121.13); miscarriage (OR: 4.3, 95 per cent IC: 1.69-11.06); abdomino-pelvic surgery (OR: 11, 95 per cent IC: 3.29-36.75); use of DIU (OR: 2.06, 95 per cent IC:0.77-5.50); ITS (OR: 2.5, 95 per cent IC: 1.01-6.19).


Patients with a history of smoking, ITS, surgery abhor pelvic, ectopic pregnancy, abortion spontaneous, present a high risk of ectopic pregnancy, and with a history of use of IUDS, previous contraception and more than one sexual partner, have a moderate risk. There were however statistically significant risk factors, those found were.

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