Resultados: 23

Reducción de!la mortalidad materna en Ecuador: opciones de política para mejorar el acceso a atención materna calificada y de calidad

La!muerte!de!una!mujer!durante!el!embarazo,!o!dentro!de!los!42!días!siguientes!a! la! terminación! de! éste,! es! una! tragedia! familiar! y! comunitaria,! con! profundas! consecuencias! sociales! y! económicas.! La! mayoría! de! estas! muertes! pueden! ser!! prevenibles! con! acciones! dirigidas! a...

Rol de la APS en el abordaje integrado para el manejo de las Enfermedades Crónicas no Transmisibles: opciones de políticas de salud en el contexto del sistema de salud del Paraguay
Role of PHC in the integrated approach for the management of Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases: health policy options in the context of the Paraguay an health system

Las estrategias implementadas en las últimas tres décadas para incrementar la cobertura y acceso de comunidades excluidas a prestaciones de salud, se caracterizaban por una organización basada en programas verticales entregados en los establecimientos de salud de la red de servicios, de segundo y terc...

Access to health: how to reduce child and maternal mortality?

Systematic reviews show that access to community-based health services reduces neonatal mortality and still births, but t he effect on maternal mortality is harder to detect. However, the evidence so fr has come from small sample size studies, mainly conducted in Asia and with very little information fro...

Policy brief on improving access to artemisinin-based combination therapies for malaria in Central African Republic

In the Central African Republic (CAR) malaria is a major public health problem and hampers socioeconomic development. It accounts for 40 percent of complaints and 10 percent of deaths in health facilities (15;17). Pregnant women, who make up 4 percent of the population, and children under 5 years of age,...

Policy brief on improving access to artemisinin-based combination therapies for malaria in Cameroon

Malaria is the major cause of illness in Cameroon, responsible for 40 percent of medical consultations. For this reason, the Head of State along with his African Union peers in April 2000 and 2006 undertook to achieve universal access to malaria control interventions, including effective treatment (10;12...

Policy brief on improving access to artemisinin-based combination therapies for malaria in Mozambique

Malaria is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Mozambique. Approximately 6 million cases are reported each year. Malaria accounts for approximately 40 percent of all outpatient visits and 60 percent of pediatric hospital admissions. It is the leading cause of death among children admitted to pedi...

Issue brief: supporting quality improvement in primary healthcare in Ontario

This issue brief mobilizes both global and local research evidence about a problem, three options for addressing the problem, and key implementation considerations. Whenever possible, the issue brief summarizes research evidence drawn from systematic reviews of the research literature and occasionally fr...

Health insurance for the poor: myth or reality

A growing evidence base suggests that health insurance in poor areas can improve people?s access to health care. But the poorest in these areas do not seem to benefit much. Health insurance programs, generally, have not helped in reaching out to the poorest or improving their health care use. And whether...

Where are the patients in decision-making about their own care?

The policy issue: patient engagementOccasionally, all citizens have to make important health decisions that affecthealth outcomes. Strategies to support patient education and engagementshould therefore be a fundamental plank of health policy. Also, patients canplay an important role in understanding the ...

What is the evidence on effectiveness of empowerment to improve health?

Within the last decades, social exclusion, disparities, and absolute poverty – almost 3 billion people living on less than US $2.00 per day – have grown despite globalization and rising per-capita income in many developing nations. Income ratios of the richest 20% of the population to the poorest 20%...