Resultados: 35

Economic Analyses of policies to reduce cervical cancer

The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (hereafter referred to as the Partnership) completed an environmental scan in 2018 of cervical cancer screening in Canada.(6) The scan found that organized cervical cancer screening programs are available in most provinces, with the exception of Quebec.(6) Organize...

Creating rapid-learning health systems in Canada

The 14 jurisdictions include one federal/national/panCanadian jurisdiction, 10 provincial jurisdictions, and three territorial jurisdictions. The first of these jurisdictions includes both areas of federal government responsibility for providing healthcare – most notably for Indigenous peoples, militar...

Understanding the use of and compensation for virtual-care services in primary care

Provincial and territorial health systems across Canada continue to struggle with delivering timely access to primary-care services. In 2016, 74% of Canadians reported in the Commonwealth International Health Policy Survey that they received excellent or very good care from their regular doctor, which is...

Examining compensation models for walk-in clinics

Positioning primary care as the cornerstone of the health system and establishing primary-care providers as the gatekeepers and coordinators of care has been a long-sought aim of health systems around the world. Further, a main aim of this goal in Canada has been to have a primary-care provider that is r...

Determining the features of person-centred models of care that patients value

Providing care that is person-centred is a key goal for provincial and territorial health systems in Canada.(1) This is demonstrated by a number of provinces having recently put forward legislation or key strategies working towards this aim. For example, in 2014, the Ministry of Health of British Columbi...

Identifying the effects of home care on improving health outcomes, client satisfaction and health system sustainability

Enhancing acess to home and community care has been established as a key priority across provincial and territorial health systems in Canada. A key reason for this is an aging population and the continued increases in the rates of chronic disease that are expected, which can often be effectively managed ...

Examining the effects of value-based physician payment models

Healthcare provider remuneration mechanisms are one of the key policy levers that decision-makers can harness to influence health-system performance.(1) In Canada, remunerating physicians is the second-largest source of public expenditures accounting for 21% of all health spending in the country.(2) With...

Examining the impact of decriminalizing or legalizing cannabis for recreational use

Cannabis is currently the world’s most used illicit psychoactive substance, with 2012 estimates showing that about 200 million people globally reported using it at least once.(1) In 2013, despite having been prohibited since the 1920s, Canada was the highest ranked country amongst all nations for rates...

Examining the impact of interprofessional training and patient engagement on falls prevention

More than a third of those over the age of 65 fall each year, which can lead to devastating physical and mental health consequences including functional decline, decline in independence and self-efficacy, morbidity, quality of life and risk of prolonged hospitalization.(1) In Canada, falls are the number...

Examining capital acquisition models for advanced diagnostic imaging

Total expenditure on health and long-term care is rising across Canada and is predicted to continue rising over the next decade.(1) The increased need for public resources to be allocated to this sector is straining government budgets and represents a major area of public concern.(1) This strain is felt ...