El acceso a medicamentos es un elemento fundamental para avanzar en la cobertura universal de la salud. En este ámbito, el precio es un elemento esencial para mejorar el acceso a medicamentos, lo que podría lograrse a través del aumento de la competencia dentro del mercado farm...
The World Health Assembly in 2005 urged Member States to establish or strengthen knowledge transfer mechanisms to support evidence-informed health policies and health care delivery. The European Health Information Initiative was set up to strengthen the use of evidence, information and research for polic...
Systematic reviews are important for decision makers. They offer many potential benefits but are often written in technical language, are too long, and do not contain contextual details which makes them hard to use for decision-making. Strategies to promote the use of evidence to decision makers are requ...
Objetivo: El propósito de este resumen de evidencias para política (policy brief) fue sintetizar en un formato amigable, la evidencia de investigación de mejor calidad disponible respecto al uso de sistemas electrónicos con o sin dispensación de nicotina y similares, y sobre los efectos de cuatro op...
We identified a total of 21 relevant documents by
searching Health Systems Evidence and running
targeted searches in PubMed, with the search strategy
for these databases detailed in Box 2. A document was
included when it directly addressed the question posed
for this rapid synthesis (i.e., it was specifi...
With the Canadian government set to introduce
legislation in the spring of 2017 to legalize the use of
cannabis, there is a need to plan for any health and
social challenges associated with this policy change.(1)
Though the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and
Regulation has produced a report outlinin...
Evidence syntheses use multidisciplinary and intersectoral sources of evidence to support policy-making. The Health Evidence Network (HEN) has supported and strengthened the use of evidence in health policy-making in the WHO European Region since 2003. The HEN synthesis report series responds to public h...
Purpose: The WHO’s Evidence-informed Policy Network (EVIPNet) has supported Member States in designing, implementing and institutionalizing efforts to support evidence-informed policy-making (EIP). This experience has shown the importance of systematically and comprehensively identifying important cont...
Mental health presents one of the highest disability
burdens on the planet, but it has not historically received
a corresponding amount of attention in research and
policy arenas.
Developing mental health strategies and other policies
with an understanding of what the research evidence on
the issue says ...
Engaging policymakers, healthcare
managers and policy analysts in the conduct of
knowledge synthesis can help increase its impact. This
is particularly important for knowledge synthesis
studies commissioned by decision-makers with limited
timelines, as well as reviews of health policy and
systems researc...