Most existing organizational models for knowledge brokering comprise
a set of design features that reflect an evolving effort, typically by
researchers and research organizations, to balance a variety of competing
objectives such as independence and relevance. These design features are
rarely selected to...
While there is a considerable body of health systems information being
generated, it is often not being used as a key input in the policy-making
process. The BRIDGE systematic review highlights several examples of health
systems information: not being used at all, being only partially used, being
used to...
There is a general lack of attention given to ‘what to do next’ to advance
knowledge brokering in many European countries’ health systems. Four sets
of interrelated issues can contribute to this problem within any given country’s
health system....
Economic shocks present policy-makers with three main challenges:o Health systems require predictable sources of revenue. Sudden interruptions to public revenue streams can make it difficult to maintain necessary levels of health care.o Cuts to public spending on health made in response to an economic sh...
The REACH policy initiative SURE project under UNHRO in collaboration with the College of Health Sciences, Makerere University had produced a policy brief on increasing access to skilled birth attendance which was the focus for discussion in this meeting. The brief describes the problem, highlights three...
The poor governance in Cameroonian health districts stems from a lack of clear and consistent operating procedures for district governing bodies and health services, power imbalance between district managers and community representatives, and insufficient knowledge of the existing legal and regulatory fr...
Although not using EVIPNet methodologies yet, this policy brief is helpful in showing how Morocco has implemented efficient strategies of intervention to accelerate the reduction of maternal mortality. The exercise of the evidence informed policy brief writing with multisectoral health players such as UN...
Conditional Cash Transfer (CCTs) programmes provide cash to poor households who meet certain health and education conditions such as regular school attendance and health check-ups for children at the clinic. This model of intervention is spreading rapidly throughout the developing world. Over 17 countrie...
In the Central African Republic (CAR) malaria is a major public health problem and hampers socioeconomic development. It accounts for 40 percent of complaints and 10 percent of deaths in health facilities (15;17). Pregnant women, who make up 4 percent of the population, and children under 5 years of age,...
Malaria is the major cause of illness in Cameroon, responsible for 40 percent of medical consultations. For this reason, the Head of State along with his African Union peers in April 2000 and 2006 undertook to achieve universal access to malaria control interventions, including effective treatment (10;12...