En relación con la ley de despenalización de la interrupción del embarazo por tres causales, el Ministerio de Salud se encuentra evaluando el diseño de un programa de apoyo psicosocial a estas mujeres, con el objetivo de reducir el impacto psicológico.
En este contexto el De...
Healthcare provider remuneration mechanisms are one
of the key policy levers that decision-makers can harness
to influence health-system performance.(1) In Canada,
remunerating physicians is the second-largest source of
public expenditures accounting for 21% of all health
spending in the country.(2) With...
Ontario is home to people from more than 200 countries
who speak more than 130 languages. Multiculturalism,
human rights and diversity are core values embraced in
the province.(1) The public education system can play a
crucial role in supporting these core values by
transcending socio-economic and ethno-...
Our jurisdictional scan yielded no information about
phamacogenetic tests that are publicly covered at the
population level for select conditions across the
jurisdictions reviewed. However, in reviewing the
literature, we did find one primary study that examined
coverage policies for individual pharmacog...
Since the completion of the Human Genome Project
in the 1990s, there have been rapid advances of
research in the area of genetics and genomics.(1)
When combined with evolving medical technologies
this has meant that the use of genetic testing and
screening are increasingly common in the health
system. Ge...
Este manual metodológico ofrece un enfoque detallado para realizar síntesis rápidas de evidencia que apoyen la formulación de políticas de salud. Incluye las principales etapas del proceso: formulación de preguntas, búsqueda, selección y extracción de evidencia, evaluación de la certeza de los ...
Las Síntesis Rápidas de Evidencia (SRE) han permitido responder preguntas clave de forma rápida, proporcionando información confiable y oportuna para formular políticas de salud basadas en evidencia científica. Este enfoque reduce el tiempo requerido en comparación con r...
Cannabis is currently the world’s most used illicit
psychoactive substance, with 2012 estimates showing
that about 200 million people globally reported using it
at least once.(1) In 2013, despite having been prohibited
since the 1920s, Canada was the highest ranked country
amongst all nations for rates...
La inactividad física es un importante factor de riesgo para la salud de la población, ya que se asocia al aumento de las enfermedades no transmisibles y la obesidad a nivel mundial. La conducta sedentaria en el trabajo es un elemento que contribuiría sustancialmente a la impor...
More than a third of those over the age of 65 fall
each year, which can lead to devastating physical and
mental health consequences including functional
decline, decline in independence and self-efficacy,
morbidity, quality of life and risk of prolonged
hospitalization.(1) In Canada, falls are the number...