Total: 989

Síntese de evidências para políticas de saúde: melhorando o cuidado de adolescentes com doença falciforme
Evidence synthesis for health policies: improving the care of adolescents with sickle cell disease

A doença falciforme é uma das doenças hereditárias mais comuns no mundo. No estado de São Paulo, a incidência de doença falciforme é de um para quatro mil (1:4.000) nascidos vivos. Uma mutação no gene que produz a hemoglobina A origina, por meio de herança recessiva, a hemoglobina S (HbS). Em ...

Using non-medical home services to support older adults

The number of Canadians aged 65 or older is expected to double within the next two decades, and the proportion of those over the age of 80 is expected to grow from 27.5% in 2012 to 32% in 2036.(1; 2) This trend holds true in British Columbia (which is where the request came from for this synthesis) where...

Supporting advances in quality in health systems

As noted by the Health Council of Canada in 2013, there are many definitions of quality in healthcare, but a common conception of it is “the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional kn...

Addressing long-term stays in hospital for people with mental health and addictions concerns

As of last year, nearly two million Ontarians saw their family physicians for mental health and addictions concerns. These two conditions account for approximately 10% of the disease burden in Ontario.(1) Psychiatric alternate level of care (ALC) days and longstay days represent a significant portion of ...

Identifying the effects of and approaches to integrating oral-health services in health systems

Oral health is important for the overall well-being of children and adults, and poor oral health has been linked to other diseases and serious health conditions such as respiratory infections, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and poor nutritional status. Ontario provides public coverage for a limited sc...

Resumen de políticas: intervenciones destinadas a prevenir, retrasar o disminuir el grado de fragilidad de adultos mayores a nivel hospitalario
Policy brief: interventions aimed at preventing, delaying or reducing the degree of frailty of older adults at the hospital level

ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO Debido al aumento de la población de adultos mayores, se prevé un aumento en la tasa de hospitalización. Los adultos mayores frágiles, son quienes presentan con mayor frecuencia desenlaces adversos en salud como pérdida de la funcionalidad, readmisión hospitalaria y mortalid...

Examining the impact of and approaches to addressing the needs of people living with mental health issues

Mental health presents one of the highest disability burdens on the planet, but it has not historically received a corresponding amount of attention in research and policy arenas. Developing mental health strategies and other policies with an understanding of what the research evidence on the issue says ...

¿Cuáles son los riesgos de entregar la placenta post-parto a madres pertenecientes a pueblos originarios?: síntesis rápida de evidencia
What are the risks of delivering the post-partum placenta to mothers belonging to indigenous peoples?: rapid evidence synthesis

ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO Con el objetivo de avanzar en el reconocimiento de la diversidad de prácticas socioculturales en los pueblos indígenas en Chile, se ha discutido la pertinencia de entregar la placenta a la madre después de un parto, producto del significado que ésta tendría. Sin embargo, exis...

Precisión de médicos sin especialidad en cardiología para diagnosticar infarto agudo al miocardio a través de la interpretación: síntesis rápida de evidencia
Accuracy of non-cardiology physicians in diagnosing acute myocardial infarction through electrocardiogram interpretation: rapid evidence synthesis

ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO El electrocardiograma (ECG) es un dibujo gráfico que registra la actividad eléctrica del corazón permitiendo el diagnóstico de arritmias e infartos al miocardio, entre otros. En algunos casos su adecuada interpretación puede ser compleja, por lo que es usual utilizar servicio...

Examining the impacts of accountable care organizations on patient experience, population health and costs

Strengthening Ontario’s health system is important for achieving the triple aim outcomes of: 1) improving the patient experience of care; 2) improving population health; and 3) keeping per capita costs of healthcare manageable.(3-4) Strengthening the system is particularly important for patients with c...