This evidence brief mobilizes both global and local
research evidence about a problem, three elements of a
comprehensive approach for addressing the problem,
and key implementation considerations. Whenever
possible, the evidence brief summarizes research
evidence drawn from systematic reviews of the rese...
The health of the aging population has been identified
as a high priority for the province of Ontario and has
become one of the province’s most pressing health and
social policy issues.(4) Within this priority area, there is
significant focus on the delivery of high-value services to
seniors to maximiz...
Los pueblos indígenas y los miembros de otros grupos étnicos pueden experimentar discriminación e inequidades significativas en salud en comparación a la población general. En este contexto, el Departamento de Salud, Pueblos Indígenas e Interculturalidad solicita esta sín...
There is currently a lack of information about the uses, benefits, and limitations of social media for health communication among the general public, patients, and health professionals from primary research....
Multimorbidity is part of the daily life of a growing
number of Ontarians who must manage multiple
chronic conditions. As Fortin et al. observed, “patients
with multiple conditions are the rule rather than the
exception in primary care.”
Multimorbidity not only has a significant impact on
healthcare ...
Le problème: Au Cameroun, les usagers des services d?accueil des urgences (SAU) notamment dans les hôpitaux régionaux et nationaux (1°, 2° et 3° catégories) autant que les soignants se plaignent de la faible accessibilité et de la mauvaise qualité des soins qui y sont délivrés ; ces plaintes s...
Las enfermedades en salud mental derivadas de un
entorno de extrema violencia e inseguridad como el
que afectó a Ciudad Juárez en los últimos años, toman
especial relevancia y acentúan de sobremanera las
necesidades ya existentes de un sistema de salud
mental integral. En los últimos años se han r...
McMaster University has many excellent programs and
services in place to address student mental health needs.
These services are offered through the Student Affairs
office that is responsible for presenting McMaster
students with opportunities to “discover, learn, and
grow.”(4) Mental health services...
A core question for policy-makers will be the extent to which investments
in preventive actions that address some of the social determinants of health
represent an effi cient option to help promote and protect population health.
Can they reduce the level of ill health in the population? How strong is the...
This policy brief contributes to the evidence base of policy development for scaling up
palliative care services across Uganda, particularly among population groups with ‘special
needs’, such as the poor, those living in rural areas, children or parents with life-limiting
diseases, the elderly, and t...