Total: 989

Learning from one another: enriching interactive knowledge-sharing mechanisms to support knowledge brokering in European health systems

Policy-makers, stakeholders and knowledge brokers (including researchers) all have a great deal they can learn from one another. Policy-makers need access to good-quality health systems information that they can apply to a local issue. Stakeholders may seek to influence health policy as well as make deci...

Améliorer l’Accessibilité Financière des Services d’Accueil des Urgences (SAU) dans les Hôpitaux Nationaux et Régionaux au Cameroun
Improving the Financial Accessibility of Emergency Reception Services (SAU) in National and Regional Hospitals in Cameroon

L’objectif de cette note est d’informer les délibérations des décideurs et des parties prenantes. Elle résume les meilleures données probantes disponibles, au sujet des options stratégiques et des considérations de leur mise en œuvre, pour améliorer l’accessibilité financière des service...

How can knowledge brokering be advanced in a country's health system?

There is a general lack of attention given to ‘what to do next’ to advance knowledge brokering in many European countries’ health systems. Four sets of interrelated issues can contribute to this problem within any given country’s health system....

Informe de evaluación científica basada en la evidencia disponible. Condición de Salud: Artritis psoriásica. Tecnología Evaluada: Abatacept, certolizumab, infliximab, ixekizumab, tofacitinib citrato, ustekinumab
Scientific evaluation report based on available evidence. Health Condition: Psoriatic arthritis Evaluated: Abatacept, certolizumab, infliximab, ixekizumab, tofacitinib citrate, ustekinumab

ANTECEDENTES: En el marco de la Ley Ricarte Soto (Ley N°20.850), que establece el proceso destinado a determinar los diagnósticos y tratamientos de alto costo con Sistema de Protección Financiera, se realizó el siguiente informe. Este informe evaluó abatacept, certolizumab, infliximab, ixekizumab, ...

Zero child hunger: breaking the cycle of malnutrition

Is there enough evidence to show that increased household income and a better diet can improve children?s nutritional status? Drawing from a recent systematic review (Masset of agricultural interventions aimed at improving the nutritional status of children, the key findings are: 1-Nutrition-...

Bridging research and practice: models for dissemination and implementation research

Am. j. prev. med; 43 (3), 2012
Context—Theories and frameworks (hereafter called models) enhance dissemination and implementation (D&I) research by making the spread of evidence-based interventions more likely. This work organizes and synthesizes these models by: (1) developing an inventory of models used in D&I research; (2) synthe...

Safe drinking water. Who is willing to pay the price?

Treating water can reduce the prevalence of diarrhoea by up to 70 percent. Although there are several inexpensive water treatment technologies available, statistics show that every 15 seconds a child dies due to waterborne diseases. Over 700 million people still lack access to safe drinking water. While ...

Strategies de viabilisation de l'assurance maladie universelle au Burkina Faso

Cette note de politique a été élaborée par l?équipe pays du projet « Soutenir l?utilisation des bases factuelles issues de la recherche (SURE) dans les politiques de santé en Afrique ». Elle porte sur les stratégies de viabilisation de l?assurance maladie universelle au Burkina Faso. Les finance...

Forum délibératif sur les stratégies de viabilisation de lassurance maladie au Burkina Faso
Deliberative Forum on Strategies for Servicing Health Insurance in Burkina Faso

Ce forum a débuté donc le 05 juin 2012 à 9h15mn par le mot d’ouverture de Monsieur le Secrétaire Général du Ministère, représenté par Monsieur le Directeur Général de l’Information et des Statistiques Sanitaires. Dans son propos, Monsieur le Directeur Général a rappelé le contexte et la...

Improving access to skilled attendance at delivery: executive summary

Uganda´s maternal mortality has moderately declined from 670 per 100,000 live births in 1990 to 430 per 100,000 live births in 2008. This annual decline of 13 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births is unlikely to achieve the MDG target of 168 per 100,000 live births by 2015. The proportion of pregnant ...