Total: 989

Paludisme: éllaboration de proposition du Fonds mondial (11ª Série)

Ces dernières années, la visibilité et le soutien politique apportés à la lutte contre le paludisme ont continué de progresser sérieusement. Le présent récapitulatif de la politique est un résumé des stratégies techniques recommandées par l´OMS. Il a pour objet de présenter, dans le cadre ...

Reducción de!la mortalidad materna en Ecuador: opciones de política para mejorar el acceso a atención materna calificada y de calidad

La!muerte!de!una!mujer!durante!el!embarazo,!o!dentro!de!los!42!días!siguientes!a! la! terminación! de! éste,! es! una! tragedia! familiar! y! comunitaria,! con! profundas! consecuencias! sociales! y! económicas.! La! mayoría! de! estas! muertes! pueden! ser!! prevenibles! con! acciones! dirigidas! a...

Strategies to reduce maternal mortality in Central African Republic

Le Problème  Mortalité maternelle est un grave problème de santé publique en RCA avec un taux de 1355 décès pour 100.000 naissances vivantes.  Quatre principales difficultés sont à la base de ce problème : o Difficultés liées à l’accès aux soins o Difficultés liées à l’insuffisa...

Issue brief: engaging health system decision-makers in supporting comprehensive chronic pain management in provincial and territorial healthcare systems in Canada

The lack of health system decision-maker engagement in supporting comprehensive chronic pain management in provincial and territorial healthcare systems in Canada can be understood by considering four sets of interrelated issues: 1) lack of awareness of chronic pain; 2) lack of awareness of limitations i...

Sratégies d’amélioration des allocations budgétaires pour la santé au Burkina Faso
Strategies for health budget allocations in Burkina Faso

Depuis les indépendances, les stratégies d’allocation budgétaire au niveau du ministère de la santé étaient basées sur l’analyse des budgets passés (allocation historique), les contraintes budgétaires générales et sur des pourcentages d’augmentation des crédits par rapport aux exercices...

Issue brief: supporting neighbourhood-based approaches to addressing poverty concentration and its impacts on health in Hamilton

This issue brief was prepared in the context of great local concern about dramatic inequalities in health between neighbourhoods in Hamilton, which correspond closely with long-standing neighbourhood concentrations of poverty. There has been widespread awareness of the problem of concentrated poverty in ...

Issue brief: addressing the integration of clinical nurse specialists and nurse practitioners in acute healthcare settings in Canada

Clinical nurse specialists are defined as ‘registered nurses holding a master’s degree in nursing and having expertise in a clinical nursing specialty who promote excellence in nursing practice. They serve as role models and advocates for nurses by providing leadership in their roles as clinicians, r...

Issue brief: Addressing health and emerging global issues in Canada

An increasing number of global issues have emerged as key determinants of health. Governments around the world are recognizing the importance of considering and acting upon these global issues as a way to protect and improve the health of their citizens. Specifically, these governments have started to re...

Practices in health (CDPBH): improving governance for health district development in Cameroon: executive summary

In the early 1990s, Cameroon implemented a decentralised health system in accordance with the health district and primary healthcare frameworks recommended by the Africa Regional Office of the World Health Organization (AFRO-WHO). To enhance both responsiveness and equity and to foster participation in t...