Resultados: 4

Revisión de evidencia y análisis causal para la evaluación final de periodo estrategia nacional de salud 2011-2020: análisis crítico del tema: alcohol
Evidence review and causal analysis for the final evaluation of the national health strategy period: critical analysis of the topic: alcohol

ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO De acuerdo con el último estudio realizado en el año 2017, 1 de cada 2 escolares chilenos entre octavo básico y cuarto año de enseñanza media han probado o consumido alcohol antes de los 15 años, observándose una prevalencia de consumo de alcohol de un 31,1%. En relación ...

Determining the features of managed alcohol programs

There are growing concerns globally of the health and social harms caused by alcohol.(1) The harmful use of alcohol resulted in approximately three million deaths worldwide in 2016 (5.3% of all deaths globally).(1) Increases in the global burden of disease attributable to alcohol highlight the importance...

Silent killer, economic opportunity: rethinking non-communicable disease

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are a major global challenge, one that causes most of the deaths and disability among humans. These diseases are not transmissible from one person to another. They include cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes and mental health disorders, b...

What are the most effective and cost-effective interventions in alcohol control?

Europe plays a significant role in the production, trade and consumption of alcoholic beverages; it also carries a heavy social and economic burden of alcohol-related problems. Alcohol consumption is estimated to be responsible for about 10% of the total disease burden, increasing the risk of liver cirrh...