Resultados: 3

Enhancing health promotion and disease prevention in networked primary care

Health systems are moving away from traditional primary care (e.g., by increasingly shifting to group practice and interprofessional teams rather than solo practice primary-care providers), which is often siloed and results in barriers to timely access to care.(1) The Ministry of Health of British Columb...

Determining the features of person-centred models of care that patients value

Providing care that is person-centred is a key goal for provincial and territorial health systems in Canada.(1) This is demonstrated by a number of provinces having recently put forward legislation or key strategies working towards this aim. For example, in 2014, the Ministry of Health of British Columbi...

Supporting advances in quality in health systems

As noted by the Health Council of Canada in 2013, there are many definitions of quality in healthcare, but a common conception of it is “the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional kn...