O avanço das mídias digitais e sociais reformulou o conceito de comunicação
em saúde, e diferentes estratégias têm sido desenvolvidas para aumentar o entendimento sobre os
resultados das pesquisas científicas direcionadas aos gestores e à população. O mapeamento por
meio de uma revisão de esc...
Este é um estudo inovador, que caracterizou o perfil dos egressos das três edições dos
cursos do projeto Apoio à Formulação e Implementação de Políticas Públicas de Saúde
Informadas por Evidências (ESPIE). Os seus resultados são subsídios de alto valor para
futuros esforços de institucion...
Each year more than 1,000 children and youth (0-19
years of age) die in Ontario.(1) The Office of the Chief
Coroner has consistently investigated between 43-49%
of these deaths each year,(1) and many of these
investigations offer opportunities to learn from the
circumstances of the death, although the ex...
This report addresses the current trends in Member States of the European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) in how to promote better integration of health information systems. To understand what better integration means from a pragmatic perspective, experts from 13 EU Member States we...
We did not identify systematic reviews that addressed
information-exchange systems. Of the 16 studies we
identified that focused on approaches to supporting
information exchange between sites and stakeholders,
13 specifically focused on health information
exchange (HIE) systems that have been widely
Over the past three decades, Canada has made
substantial progress in reducing the national rate of
avoidable mortality (deaths that could potentially have
been avoided through disease prevention or
healthcare services). In fact, the national avoidable
mortality rate has decreased by half – from 373 per...
Le terme surveillance sert généralement à décrire le processus qui consiste à recueillir des données de façon systématique pour que les responsables de politiques, les gestionnaires et dautres parties intéressées puissent sassurer quune nouvelle politique ou un nouveau programme est mis en oeuv...
Measurement is central to the concept of quality improvement; it provides a means to define what hospitals actually do, and to compare that with the original targets in order to identify opportunities for improvement....