Resultados: 3

Policy summary 1: addressing financial sustainability in health systems

This report (Report 1) is a policy summary which underpins the key theme of the conference – financial sustainability in health systems. The report touches on the myriad elements involved in discussions on financial sustainability, and emphasizes the need for a clarification of the key concepts as a pr...

Better outcomes, lower costs: palliative care program reduces stress, costs of care for children with life-threatening conditions

This policy brief examines the Partners for Children (PFC) program—California’s public pediatric community-based palliative care benefit to children living with life-threatening conditions and their families. Preliminary analysis of administrative and survey data indicates that participation in the P...

Policy brief 10: how can health systems respond to population ageing?

All countries in Europe are experiencing an ageing of their populations, a trend that is projected to continue until at least the middle of the twenty-first century. This process is often regarded as a major cause of upward pressure on health care costs. However, analyses of health care expenditure show ...