Resultados: 4

Developing health communication materials during a pandemic

Frontiers in communication; 5 (603656), 2020
As the COVID-19 virus spread rapidly around the world, information related to the pandemic also spread quickly and in massive amounts. Uncertainty and unknowns about the pandemic together with the explosion of information created confusion and fear among many populations. A major challenge for public hea...

Fostering K-12 students' global competencies

The environment in which children are growing up today is very different than that of previous generations. There has been tremendous innovation in how society operates, with the rapid expansion of technology, globalization of businesses, new careers and opportunities, and increasingly diverse communitie...

Supporting professional learning approaches to foster global competencies in K-12 education

Education is key to equipping individuals with the necessary skills to meaningfully contribute to society.(1) Rapid developments in technology, workforce changes and the effects of globalization mean that societies are evolving at a faster than ever pace. Responsive education systems are needed to proper...

Changing practice to achieve equity in Ontario's education sector

Ontario is home to people from more than 200 countries who speak more than 130 languages. Multiculturalism, human rights and diversity are core values embraced in the province.(1) The public education system can play a crucial role in supporting these core values by transcending socio-economic and ethno-...