Resultados: 3

Using research evidence for policy-making: rapid response

The Evidence-informed Policy Network (EVIPNet) Europe is an initiative of the WHO Regional Office for Europe. It supports WHO Member States to develop a culture and practice of designing health policies based on the best available research evidence. Annual Network meetings with a different composition of...

¿Qué tan efectivos son los dispositivos de compresión mecánica, en comparación a la compresión torácica manual, en pacientes con paro cardio respiratorio?: síntesis rápida de evidencia
How effective are mechanical compression devices, compared to manual chest compression, in patients with cardio respiratory arrest?: rapid evidence synthesis

ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO Alrededor de un 60% de paros cardio respiratorios ocurren fuera de un establecimiento asistencial, lo que hace difícil el inicio de maniobras de reanimación cardiopulmonar. Más aún, las compresiones torácicas no siempre se realizan de forma continua impactando en la sobrevida...

Evidence-based practice, step by step: rolling out the rapid response team

Am. j. nurs; 111 (5), 2011
This is the 10th article in a series from the Arizona State University College of Nursing and Health Innovation’s Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice. Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a problem-solving approach to the delivery of health care that integrates the best evidence from stud...