Resultados: 6

Riscos do consumo de edulcorantes para a saúde humana
Riscos do consumo de edulcorantes para a saúde humana

Pergunta: Quais são os riscos do consumo de edulcorantes para a saúde humana? Métodos: Após realização de protocolo de pesquisa, quatro bases da literatura eletrônica foram buscadas em maio de 2022, para identificar estudos que abordassem possíveis riscos do consumo de edulcorantes para a saúde ...

Minería de oro y aumento de la malaria: ¿qué ocurre en Chocó?
Gold mining and increased malaria: what happens in Chocó?

La minería de oro a cielo abierto se ha asociado a diversos problemas de salud en la población, entre esos la proliferación de enfermedades infecciosas como la malaria. El departamento del Chocó, uno de los más importantes productores de oro del país, ha venido siendo afectado por un aumento en el ...

Identifying risk and protective factors for quality clinical practice

We identified two overviews of systematic reviews, 18 systematic reviews and 17 primary studies from our searches that were relevant to the questions posed. The primary studies address the first question about risk factors for unsafe clinical practice, and both of the overviews and all of the systematic ...

What are the main risk factors for falls amongst older people and what are the most effective interventions to prevent these falls?

Older people make up a large and increasing percentage of the population. As people grow older they are increasingly at risk of falling and consequent injuries. A fall may be the first indication of an undetected illness. The prevention of falls is of major importance because they engender considerable m...

What are the main risk factors for disability in old age and how can disability be prevented?

In the next twenty years, the European Union will gain 17 million people over age 65 – a 30% increase – and 5.5 million more people over age 80, a 39% increase. Disability in old age is frequent and not only lowers the quality of life of its victims, but strains society’s limited resources for assi...