Resultados: 15

Identifying the effects of home care on improving health outcomes, client satisfaction and health system sustainability

Enhancing acess to home and community care has been established as a key priority across provincial and territorial health systems in Canada. A key reason for this is an aging population and the continued increases in the rates of chronic disease that are expected, which can often be effectively managed ...

Améliorer l´accueil et la prise en charge dans les services d´accueil des urgences (SAU) des hôpitaux nationaux et régionaux au Cameroun
Improve reception and care in emergency reception services (SAU) of national and regional hospitals in Cameroon

Le problème: Au Cameroun, les usagers des services d?accueil des urgences (SAU) notamment dans les hôpitaux régionaux et nationaux (1°, 2° et 3° catégories) autant que les soignants se plaignent de la faible accessibilité et de la mauvaise qualité des soins qui y sont délivrés ; ces plaintes s...

Promouvoir l’Adhésion Universelle aux Mécanismes d’Assurance Maladie au Cameroun
Promoting universal adherence to health insurance mechanisms in Cameroon

La présente note d’information stratégique vise à éclairer les parties concernées par la faible adhésion des citoyens aux divers systèmes d’assurance maladie sur le marché camerounais et propose trois options visant à améliorer l’accès équitable aux services et soins de santé. Le systÃ...

Improving access to skilled attendance at delivery: full report

The problem: High Maternal Mortality. Uganda?s maternal mortality has moderately declined from 670 per 100,000 live births in 1990 to 430 per 100,000 live births in 2008. This annual decline of 13 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births is unlikely to achievemeet the MDG target of 168 per 100,000 live bi...

Using audit and feedback to health professionals to improve the quality and safety of health care

There is now extensive evidence demonstrating that there is a gap between the health care that patients receive and the practice that is recommended. In both primary and secondary care there are unwarranted variations in practice and in resulting outcomes that cannot be explained by the characteristics o...

Health insurance for the poor: myth or reality

A growing evidence base suggests that health insurance in poor areas can improve people?s access to health care. But the poorest in these areas do not seem to benefit much. Health insurance programs, generally, have not helped in reaching out to the poorest or improving their health care use. And whether...

Policy brief: do lifelong learning and revalidation ensure that physicians are fit to practise?

In some countries, pressure is growing to demonstrate that practising physicians continue to meet acceptable standards, driven in part by concerns that the knowledge obtained during basic training may rapidly become out of date. This takes various forms, from expectations – in some cases backed by vari...

How effective are different types of day care services for people with severe mental disorders?

Day care is considered to be an important component of psychiatric services, but the evidence on different forms of day care is not easy to interpret. This review evaluates five main forms of day care for adults with severe mental disorders: acute psychiatric day hospital care, transitional psychiatric d...

What are the most effective diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for the management of depression in specialist care?

Depression is a major illness with health and social effects similar to those for chronic diseases like hypertension, congestive heart failure or diabetes. The Global Burden of Disease Programme of WHO indicates that depressive disorders are among the most important causes of death and disability in both...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of restructuring a health care system to be more focused on primary care services?

Governments are searching for ways to improve the equity, efficiency, effectiveness, and responsiveness of their health systems. In recent years there has been an acceptance of the important role of primary health care in helping to achieve these aims. However, there have been no systematic reviews on pr...