Resultados: 2

Resumen de políticas: intervenciones destinadas a prevenir, retrasar o disminuir el grado de fragilidad de adultos mayores a nivel hospitalario
Policy brief: interventions aimed at preventing, delaying or reducing the degree of frailty of older adults at the hospital level

ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO Debido al aumento de la población de adultos mayores, se prevé un aumento en la tasa de hospitalización. Los adultos mayores frágiles, son quienes presentan con mayor frecuencia desenlaces adversos en salud como pérdida de la funcionalidad, readmisión hospitalaria y mortalid...

Examining the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of rehabilitation-care models for frail seniors

The health of the aging population has been identified as a high priority for the province of Ontario and has become one of the province’s most pressing health and social policy issues.(4) Within this priority area, there is significant focus on the delivery of high-value services to seniors to maximiz...