Resultados: 9

Adaptação Transcultural do "Is research working for you? A self-assessment tool" no Brasil

Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é traduzir e adaptar para a cultura brasileira a ferramenta "Is research working for you? A self-assessment tool and discussion guide for health services management and policy organization", que auto-avalia a capacidade institucional das organizações de Saúde em Adquiri...

Kit de Ferramentas de Tradução de Conhecimento
Knowledge Translation Toolkit

O que são ferramentas de tradução do conhecimento (Knowledge Translation)? São recursos utilizados para tornar mais acessível, compreensível e "pronto para usar" o conhecimento produzido em pesquisas e nas universidades. Buscam simplificar a linguagem utilizada, favorecer a visualização e dialoga...

Assessing the impact of knowledge communication and dissemination strategies targeted at health policy-makers and managers: an overview of systematic reviews

The use of research evidence as an input for health decision-making is a need for most health systems. There are a number of approaches for promoting evidence use at different levels of the health system, but knowledge of their effectiveness is still scarce. The objective of this overview was to evaluate...

Definición de contactos estrechos de un caso confirmado de COVID-19 al interior de un bus interurbano en protocolos internacionales y literatura cientifica: reporte breve de evidencia
Definition of close contacts of a confirmed COVID-19 case inside an intercity bus in international protocols and scientific literature: brief report of evidence

ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO A raíz de la pandemia por COVID-19 el Gobierno de Chile ha implementado medidas para identificar casos nuevos. Las definiciones epidemiológicas se han ido adecuando en la medida que aumenta el conocimiento respecto al comportamiento del SARS-CoV-2 y a la contingencia epidemioló...

Evidence, policy, impact: WHO guide for evidence-informed decision-making

Strengthening the use of research evidence to advance health impact - To improve health and well-being and accelerate the achievement of the Triple Billion targets, we need better evidence for better decisions. There are moral, socioeconomic and political arguments to increase the use of research in deci...

¿Qué experiencias internacionales se han desarrollado en la implementación de servicios/hospitales de alta complejidad en neurología/neurocirugía y cuáles son sus características?: síntesis rápida de evidencia
What international experiences have been developed in the implementation of high complexity services/hospitals in neurology/neurosurgery and what are their characteristics?: rapid evidence synthesis

ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO El Instituto de Neurocirugía es un establecimiento dependiente administrativamente del Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Oriente. Actualmente la División de Gestión de Redes Asistencial del Ministerio de Salud se encuentra en proceso de evaluación para un proyecto hospitalario q...

Designing a rapid response program to support evidence-informed decisionmaking in the Americas region: using the best available evidence and case studies

Implement. sci; 11 (117), 2017
Background: The objective of this work was to inform the design of a rapid response program to support evidence-informed decision-making in health policy and practice for the Americas region. Specifically, we focus on the following: (1) What are the best ethodological approaches for rapid reviews of the ...

Bridging research and practice: models for dissemination and implementation research

Am. j. prev. med; 43 (3), 2012
Context—Theories and frameworks (hereafter called models) enhance dissemination and implementation (D&I) research by making the spread of evidence-based interventions more likely. This work organizes and synthesizes these models by: (1) developing an inventory of models used in D&I research; (2) synthe...

Evidence-based practice, step by step: rolling out the rapid response team

Am. j. nurs; 111 (5), 2011
This is the 10th article in a series from the Arizona State University College of Nursing and Health Innovation’s Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice. Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a problem-solving approach to the delivery of health care that integrates the best evidence from stud...