Resultados: 6

Implementación de estrategias de prevención del suicidio: resumen de evidencia para política
Implementation of suicide prevention strategies: evidence brief for policy

ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO En Chile, la tasa de mortalidad por suicidio observada para el año 2022 fue de 10,91 personas por cada 100.000 habitantes, un aumento de un 33% con respecto al año 2021, pero una disminución con respecto al periodo 2010-2019. A la par de estos datos el Departamento de Salud Men...

The retention of health workers in rural and remote areas in Mozambique

The number of health workers in Mozambique is insufficient to enable the achievement of the country‟s population health goals. This problem is compounded by the uneven distribution of health care works by province and by area of residence, and by a weak and under-resourced national health system which ...

Policy dialogue Increasing Access to Skilled Birth Attendance: report

The REACH policy initiative SURE project under UNHRO in collaboration with the College of Health Sciences, Makerere University had produced a policy brief on increasing access to skilled birth attendance which was the focus for discussion in this meeting. The brief describes the problem, highlights three...

Retaining human resources for health in remote rural areas in Cameroon

This policy brief was prepared at the request of the Human Resources Directorate of the Ministry of Public Health to inform the deliberations leading to the development of the national strategic plan for the health workforce. It describes the magnitude, the consequences and the underlying factors of the ...

Task shifting to optimise the roles of health workers to improve the delivery of maternal and child healthcare: executive summary

There is a shortage and maldistribution of medically trained health professionals. These are important reasons why cost-effective MCH services are not available to over half the population of Uganda and progress towards the Millennium Development Goals for MCH is slow. Optimising the roles of less specia...