Resultados: 7

Síntesis exploratoria rápida de evidencia: Coronavírus 2019 (SARS-CoV-2)
Rapid exploratory synthesis of evidence: Coronavirus 2019 (SARS-CoV-2)

Este resumen fue realizado a través de una búsqueda amplia de evidencia en MedLine® y EMBASE®, utilizando Ovid® como biblioteca virtual, a través de una estrategia de búsqueda, la cual fue previamente discutida y probada. La búsqueda se realizó el 11-02-2020, no se utilizaron filtros de idioma n...

Coronavirus 2019 (SARS-CoV-2): síntesis exploratoria rápida de evidencia
Coronavirus 2019 (SARS-CoV-2): rapid exploratory synthesis of evidence

ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO El 30 de diciembre de 2019 se identificaron los primeros casos de neumonía de causa desconocida reportada a la Comisión Nacional de Salud de China todos ellos presentaban como antecedente epidemiológico haber asistido al mercado de mariscos y animales de Wuhan, ya sea siendo tr...

Evidence synthesis for health policy and systems: a methods guide

Over the last two decades, major gains have been made in global health: life expectancy has increased dramatically; polio eradication is tantalizingly within reach; six million more children survived until their fifth birthday; malaria deaths halved, while more than 20 million people living with HIV gain...

Issue brief: strengthening national health systems' capacity to respond to future global pandemics

Effective pandemic governance is more important now than ever as pandemic risk factors like urbanization, the hypermobility of persons, trans-border trade, rapid population growth and changes to the environment and food systems all increase in tandem with the demands of globalization.(1) These transforma...

Issue brief: Addressing health and emerging global issues in Canada

An increasing number of global issues have emerged as key determinants of health. Governments around the world are recognizing the importance of considering and acting upon these global issues as a way to protect and improve the health of their citizens. Specifically, these governments have started to re...

3. 2 million stillbirths: epidemiology and overview of the evidence review

More than 3.2 million stillbirths occur globally each year, yet stillbirths are largely invisible in global data tracking, policy dialogue and programme implementation. This mismatch of burden to action is due to a number of factors that keep stillbirths hidden, notably a lack of data and a lack of conse...