Indicators of quality of care in general practices in England: an independent review for the Secretary of State for Health

Ano de publicação: 2015

The Health Foundation, an independent health care charity, was asked by the Secretary of State for Health to review indicators of the quality of general practice in England. We looked at how they could be made better to support improvements to care, including how they are selected and presented. Within the short timeframe available for the review (June to September 2015), the Foundation consulted with a wide range of organisations and individuals with an interest in general practice and information. We assessed the available literature and analysed current indicators as well as the websites on which they are published. Our review focused on publication of indicators for the purposes of supporting local improvement of care, patient choice and voice, and the accountability and performance management of general practices. While our review was commissioned by the Department of Health, the Health Foundation did not receive any funding for completing the work. The Health Foundation retained full editorial control of the report’s content.

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