What is the evidence on the reduction of inequalities in accessibility and quality of maternal health care delivery for migrants? A review of the existing evidence in the WHO European Region

Ano de publicação: 2016

The number of female migrants of childbearing age is rapidly increasing, which entails specific needs for maternal health services. Through a systematic review of the academic literature and a critical interpretive synthesis of policy frameworks, the authors of this review aimed to assess interventions and policies that improve the accessibility and quality of maternal health care for migrants in the WHO European Region. The review demonstrated that most migrant women have poorer maternal health outcomes than other women throughout the WHO European Region. Identified risk factors are linked not only to pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period but also to events before conception. Restricted entitlement and problems with familiarity, knowledgeability, acceptability, availability and affordability jeopardize migrant women’s access to maternal health care. Ensuring universal access to care and providing culturally sensitive care will enhance access to and the quality of maternal health care and eventually improve migrant maternal health.

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