Examining the impact of drop-in centres

Ano de publicação: 2015

The three reviews with evidence regarding the impact of drop-in centres were conducted recently. Two of the reviews (both of medium quality) focused on adult day centres for older adults,(10;11) and the third (a high-quality review) focused on interventions for promoting reintegration and reducing harmful behaviour in street-connected youth.(12) In general, adult day centres are designed to “support the health, nutritional, social, and daily living needs of adults with functional limitations in a group setting during daytime hours.”(10) In addition to supporting the needs of older adults, day centres also provide support to family caregivers, which often includes offering respite from caregiving responsibilities.(10) Findings from the two medium-quality systematic reviews indicate that adult day centres have been found to improve overall wellness of participants, physical and emotional outcomes, and perceived psychosocial wellbeing,(10) as well as the competence of caregivers who provide care to people with dementia

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